Sunday, February 7, 2010

By The He Sea

I don't even know where to begin with this stunning late '60s/early '70s find from Aunt Lydia's Rug Yarn Collection.  The title of this collection is "By the He Sea".  Even more disturbing than the back-of-the-couch-afghan style "Ripple Poncho" is the borderline inappropriate "Slip Over" in white and spice.  I shudder to think what he's sporting under that piece o' work.


Frenchee le Trip said...

Absolutely stunning find. You must do something with this image - can you copyright it and sell it for a cd cover?

I think that this is the most far out vintage find ever.

On another note, thanks a mill for the soopsee share! I am very excited to test it out.


Oh Boy! said...

Ayeyiyi! I'm also wondering what his friend in the striped tee has on.
Not seeing any evidence of shorts or a suit.

Must be one heck of a beach party!

Heather said...

hehehe, love it! Sure hope that doesnt shrink in the wash ;)

jamie@midcenturymania said...

I think Aunt Lydia was a freak. She probably should have stuck with couch throws and left the men's clothing line alone.